EC 5.6.1 Coroporate social responsabiity

EC 5.6.1 Coroporate social responsabiity

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    Collège Etudes Européennes et Internationales (EEI)

  • Volume horaire



Topic 1 Sustainability challenges and opportunities
Topic 2 Regulatory environment and international policy
Topic 3 Design, technology, and planning for sustainability
Topic 4 Collaboration and partnerships
Topic 5 New Business Approach

Several case studies will be analyzed through the access to bibliography from “Harvard Business Practices”.

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À la fin de cet enseignement, vous serez capable de : 
- understand organizations embedded within sustainable socio-ecological systems
- learn tools and frameworks that enable applying knowledge to create sustainability

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Corporate social responsabilityCours Magistral20h

Contrôle des connaissances

1 ère session : contrôle continu

2 ème session : oral ou écrit (1 heure)

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Topic 1 Sustainability challenges and opportunities

➢ The global state, what needs to change, and how to bridge the sustainability gap through rewiring the economy.

➢ Identify the key systems pressures and trends that are affecting the economy and society

➢ Identify the key scientific findings that highlight the need to act on climate change and the degradation of natural capital

➢ Definitions of CSR and Challenges for Sustainable Business Models

Topic 2 Regulatory environment and international policy

➢ Policy instruments, international agreements, and the role of business and civil society in shaping a zero-carbon economy.

➢ Identify the range of policies and frameworks that are applied to achieve a range of sustainability goals

➢ Review the progress in policy regulation and voluntary actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to date

➢ Analyze how the outcomes from recent global agreements on climate change and emissions will affect business as usual across different sectors

➢ Identify the important role that civil society and business play in shaping sustainability policy and practice

Topic 3 Design, technology, and planning for sustainability

➢ The role of innovative design, planning, and technology in facilitating sustainable business.

➢ Recall what is meant by sustainable design and the role of technology in supporting a sustainable future

➢ Identify how optimisation approaches and business models of a circular economy can contribute to a more sustainable business

➢ Identify the case for incorporating disruptive innovation into business strategy to create new sustainable business models

➢ Demonstrate the importance of product footprinting, and impact and dependency measurement to track the success of sustainability initiatives

➢ Discuss the important role that design of products and processes can play in creating circular economy business models

Topic 4 Collaboration and partnerships

➢ How businesses can work together with corporate, government, and non-profit actors to bring about large-scale change in the sustainability space.

➢ Discuss the risks and opportunities associated with business-business and business-other partnerships and the efforts to measure their success

➢ Apply stakeholder and context mapping, and partnership tools theory to a practical business scenario

➢ Assess the opportunities that come from collaborating with key stakeholders and entering into partnerships to create new value

Topic 5 New Business Approach

➢ Create a personalized sustainability action plan.

➢ Explain your role as a change agent within your organization or sphere of influence

➢ Identify the barriers to adopting operational change and taking action within your organization

➢ Illustrate the importance of gaining internal support for overcoming barriers to organizational culture change

➢ Investigate different approaches to financing your sustainability strategies

➢ Identify stakeholders within your network that can assist you in influencing sustainability-related change within your organization

➢ Investigate a range of support mechanisms beyond your existing network that would help you be more effective in your current role

➢ Develop an action plan for leveraging your support network to reach your personal sustainability objectives within your organization or sphere of influence 

➢ Reflect on how your views on sustainability have changed since the start of the course

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Calabrese, A., Costa, R., Gastaldi, M., Levialdi Ghiron, N., Villazon Montalvan, R.A.2021, Implications for Sustainable Development Goals: A framework to assess company disclosure in sustainability reporting, Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128624

K Govindan, M Hasanagic , 2018; A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy: a supply chain perspective,
International Journal of Production & Economics

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Compétences acquises


Niveau d'acquisition

Construire son projet personnel, d'études et professionnelComprendre une stratégie d'entreprise intégrant des objectifs et des pratiques de RSE et de développement durable3 - Maitrise