4 credits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Water quality monitoring networks are a major management tool for different types of water bodies, in particular within the framework of the Water Framework Directive and its daughter directives. This course aims to present the objectives and methodologies for setting up monitoring for different types of water bodies: surface water (rivers, lakes), groundwater, coastal and estuarine waters and wastewater.
The course will be illustrated by the use and exploitation of monitoring data from different national (Naïades, Ades, Somlit, Ifremer) or international (US-EPA, EBA,...) databases.
Leaning outcomes :
- Define a monitoring strategy for different types of water bodies (surface water, groundwater, coastal water, wastewater,...)
- Search for relevant monitoring data in the appropriate national and international databases
- Interpret the monitoring data on a spatio-temporal scale
Course parts
- Monitoring networks CMLecture15h
- Monitoring networks TPPractical work20h
Knowledge check
1st : continuous assessment
- Oral presentation of a scientific article on monitoring (33%)
- Two projects on the use of monitoring data: one is done in pairs on surface water (NAIADES database), the other is individual and deals with groundwater (ADES database) (67%)
2nd exam : 50% written + 50% oral presentation
Topics covered include:
- Concepts of monitoring and assessment: basic rules
- Description of different monitoring networks in different matrices : freshwater, groundwaters, littoral waters, biomonitoring
- Case study on different types of water
Collect data in appropriate databases |
Process data in generic (R) and specific software |
Define a strategy for collecting and analyzing environmental data |
Evaluate the physical, chemical and biological quality of aquatic environments |
Assess the quality and dynamics of aquatic environments according to regulation |
Select and analyze specialized resources in a synthetic and critical manner |
Communicate scientific knowledge with a variety of audiences, orally and in writing, in French and English |
Conduct a project mobilizing multidisciplinary skills in a collaborative framework
Invest in autonomous training and scientific watch |
- Bartram, Jamie, Ballance, Richard, World Health Organization & United Nations Environment Programme. (1996). Water quality monitoring : a practical guide to the design and implementation of freshwater quality studies and monitoring programs / edited by Jamie Bartram and Richard Ballance. London : E & FN Spon.
- Daoling Li, Shuangyin Liu, (2018) Water Quality Monitoring and Management , 1st Edition
Basis, Technology and Case Studies, Academic press
- Water Quality Monitoring Network Design (1999), Harmancioglu, N.B., Fistikoglu, O., Ozkul, S.D., Singh, V., Alpaslan, M.N., Springer