French Summer Classes (Bayonne) (June/July2021)

« Bienvenue en France » Label

2022, UPPA was awarded the “Welcome to France” label

For institutions, the "Bienvenue en France" label is a fundamental part of quality management. It serves to measure, describe, and promote the facilities and initiatives that accommodate and benefit international students.

French Summer ClassesBayonne campus - Registration before 3 June 2022

This is an intensive 60-hour French course, intended for a foreign audience who will be immerged in the language. The lessons are designed for learners of all levels; they are given in the modern facilities of Bayonne campus, in the heart of the historic the city of Bayonne. The teachers are state graduates and work at the UPPA. They are professionals of French as a Foreign Language and they include their teaching with an action-oriented perspective.

  • Target audience: Intermediate level B1 – B2. Open to any public (minimum age 18)
  • Location: Bayonne Campus
  • Selection methods: no selection; language level test before the start of classes
  • Certificate / diploma issued: A University Diploma can be obtained at the end of the course.
  • Language: French
  • Organizing structure: For more than 40 years, the Institute of French Studies for Foreign Students (Institut d'Études Françaises pour Étudiants Étrangers; IEFE) of the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour has welcomed a large number of students from all over the world who have come to take courses of language. The lessons are specially designed for foreign learners and with the most innovative methodologies.