Master in Public law

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    Master degree level

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    Collège Etudes Européennes et Internationales (EEI)

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Master 2 Advanced Studies in Public and Comparative Law

Entirely committed to innovation, the Master 2 Etudes avancées de droit public français et comparé, is a law training dedicated to foreign students wishing to acquire solid skills in French and comparative public law.

Limited to a second year of a master's degree, the training is open to students funded by E2S scholarships.

Courses are taught exclusively in French.

The Master 2 Etudes avancées de droit public français et compar, is backed by l’UMR IE2IA (Institut d’Etudes ibériques et ibérico-américaines – CNRS UMR 7318) whose vocation is, precisely, to promote and carry out all studies and research in public, domestic and comparative law.

In fact, IE2IA is thus turned towards foreign rights and has, since its creation in 1973, forged close links with academic and institutional partners, national (UMR 7318 DICE, International, Comparative and European Law, Louis Favereu Institute-  Groupe d'Études et de Recherches comparées sur la Justice Constitutionnelle (ILF-GERJC), Centre d'études et de recherches internationales et communautaires (CERIC)) and foreigners (Spanish constituional court, Défenseur du peuple espagnol, Portuguese constitutional court, Provedor de Justiça portugais, Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura Dominicanoa, Colegio de abogados San José Costa-Rica, Procuración del tesoro de la nación from Argentine).

With in-depth knowledge of the fundamental principles of internal and comparative public law, students, after obtaining their master's degree, will be likely to pursue their studies at the University of Pau and the Adour countries. as part of a doctoral thesis (doctorat (Ecole Doctorale Sciences sociales et humanités – ED 481 SSH).

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By Collège Etudes Européennes et Internationales (EEI)


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