Master Computer science

Science, Technology, Health

Master Computer science

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    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

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The computer science programmes offer scientific and technical training to teach future computer scientists in the rapidly evolving field of information communications technology. 

Our education programmes are directed towards both research and professional areas with a view to training computer scientists that meet the job market needs and requirements.

The programmes are taught on two  distinct campuses:

  • Master 2 course "Industry 4.0" delivered in Anglet - Basque Coast.
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M2 Industry 4.0

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The aim of this master's is to train Computer Sciences and Information Technologies experts in order to be able to address the new challenges of the current and future generations of digital societies. Current trends in digital technologies represented by the Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, social networks, cloud computing, big data, business intelligence, machine-learning, artificial intelligence, mobile robotics, digital twin, and additive manufacturing have provided the basis for a new industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.

Our Industry 4.0 Computer Sciences Master's degree offers a 1 year, full-time postgraduate program, aimed at providing solid scientific and technological foundations in order to innovate, design, and develop future digital organizations based on the new Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) paradigm. It is suited for students planning both an academic or an industrial career and provides the theoretical basis and the practical expertise required to pursue research or R&D organizations.

The master's is fully taught in English providing a main core curriculum and two options named IT Digital Transformation and Digital Manufacturing.

This master's is hosted by the College of Sciences and Technologies for Energy and Environment (STEE) of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) in Anglet (France) as well as by The National Engineering School of Tarbes (ENIT) of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, in Tarbes (France).

This master is supported by the prestigious French Initiative of Excellence label I-SITE (Initiatives Sciences, Innovation, Territories, and Economy) obtained by the E2S-UPPA project and profits from the territorial synergy of the Aerospace industry located in the southwest valley of France.

The program is carried out in close collaboration with the Computer Sciences Laboratory of the UPPA (LIUPPA research laboratory) and with the Production Engineering Laboratory of the ENIT (LGP research laboratory) as well as several R&D organizations, where scientific and experimental practicals will be performed.

Students will also benefit from the global research environment and administrative support of the University Pau & Pays Adour, the ENIT, and the E2S I-site program.

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By Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)


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