Master Geoenergies

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    Master degree level

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    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

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M2 Geoengineering

The Master of Geosciences offers a classical two-year training in French. Additionally, we offer a one-year training in English for graduate students. This one-year course called ‘Geoengineering ’ (~270 h lecture and 5-6 month internship) will be particularly appreciated by foreign students who wish to reinforce their background in different fields of Petroleum Engineering. This year is also open for regular students who started French classes during their first year in the Master "Of Geosciences".

Apply here from October to March

This Master benefits from a particularly rich environment in geosciences and energy.

The Master is part of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies for Energy and Environment (STEE). The STEE Faculty has been founded within the framework of the prestigious label I-SITE which granted the project Energy Environment Solutions (E2S).

It also benefits from the immediate surroundings of Carnot ISIFOR (Sustainable Engineering of Georesources) and a national pole for Geosciences and Innovation (Avenia). In addition, Pau hosts dozens of Petroleum companies, including TotalEnergies, Terega, Modis, etc. Pau has therefore one of the highest concentrations of petroleum engineers and scientists in France.

Visit the full page about this program

GREEN Graduate Program - Sustainable Geoenergies (SAGE)

In 2022, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour opened a 5-year Master’s degree + PhD program of excellence in a variety of disciplines linked to energy and the environment research, the GRaduate School for Energy and Environmental iNnovation (GREEN).

Every student, whether French or foreign, accepted into the program will be offered a €5,000 stipend per year for the first two years.

Apply here from October to March

N.B. Our Master's programs may not open if enrollment is too low.

The Sustainable Geo-Energies (SAGE) graduate program, which builds on the well-established Geoenergies master’s program, offers extensive training in all the scientific disciplines involved in the sustainable use of the subsurface in the context of energy transition.

To reconcile climate objectives with ever-increasing energy demand, the capture and long-term geological storage of CO2 (CCUS), the seasonal storage of gases including hydrogen and biomethane, and deep geothermal energy production are all examples of industrial applications currently under rapid development and requiring intensive applied and fundamental research.

With this program, unique in France, we offer students the opportunity to acquire cutting-edge scientific expertise in the following fields:

  • Reservoir geology,
  • Geophysical and geochemical monitoring of geological reservoirs,
  • Passive and reactive fluid transport in porous media,
  • Chemical engineering.

This academic knowledge, combined with the numerical and experimental know-how acquired in the research laboratories supporting the program (Laboratory of Complex Fluid and their Reservoirs, Laboratory of Mathematics and their Applications), will provide a unique set of skills for tackling the scientific challenges posed by the use and storage of geoenergies.

Visit the full page about this program

By Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)


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