Master Materials Science and Engineering

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    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)



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Master's degree Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Materials

Apply here from October to March

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Master of Science (MSc) CPCM "Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Materials" provides a complete education program in the field of materials, by addressing all aspects related to their synthesis/elaboration, their fine characterization, and their implementation for specific applications.

In the title of this master's program, the term "Chemistry" refers to synthesis and elaboration aspects, while the term "Physico-Chemistry" refers to characterization science and understanding of mechanisms and phenomena taking place at different scales of the material (micro/nano or surface/bulk).

The training delivered by Master CPCM allows you to find rapidly a job in the industry as a senior executive, in all sectors of activity using or designing materials, as soon as you have obtained the Master's degree. Alternatively, you can continue your training with a Ph.D. thesis (three years), which is an advantage in several fields of research and development.

Master CPCM relies on recognized senior researchers, professors, and assistant professors, in the field of chemistry and physics, carrying out their research activity at IPREM Institute (Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials), more precisely in the following scientific departments (clusters): PCM " Physico-chemistry of surfaces and polymer materials" and CAPT " Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry". The teaching program, comprising lectures, supervised and practical work, and case studies, is taught by university lecturers and researchers, and by personnel from the socio-professional sector. Internships can be performed in companies or in academic research laboratories (in this case they are generally done in IPREM, but internships can also be done in other labs in France or abroad).

The MSc degree meets the industrial requirements in terms of skills and know-how in the field of materials and integrates a reflection on sustainable development and implementation of new materials able to meet the new requirements and challenges in terms of energy management and respect for the environment.

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Master's degree "Bio-Inspired Materials"

Apply here from October to March

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The 2022 class was sponsored by L'Oreal.

This master’s degree aims at offering an educational background connecting the laboratory environment and the living world while responding to ecological and sustainable transition challenges. Mimicking strategies elaborated by Nature represents infinite scientific and technological challenges. These challenges will be taken up through bioinspiration and biomimicry angles keeping in mind environmental awareness and ethics.

We offer our students a unique opportunity to explore and get inspired by living systems to develop novel materials. Our biomimetic approach focuses on cross-disciplinary courses that will make students reconsider how they elaborate syntheses, formulations, and processing of tomorrow’s materials as needed by the industrial partners to build our future society

In both the first and the second year of the master's, the students will be trained to draw inspiration from Nature through a biomimetic approach. This multidisciplinary approach, which resorts to both fundamental science and materials engineering, is based on the observation and comprehension of living organisms within their ecosystems. To succeed in this course, students will have to grasp abstract concepts to design biological models adapted to scientific and technological developments.

The teaching program, comprising lectures, supervised and practical work, and case studies, is primarily centered around student-based teaching strategies including Project-based learning. Entirely in English, teaching is performed by university lecturers and researchers as well as socio-professional stakeholders. The practical works and case studies take place in the laboratories of the Multidisciplinary Research Institute for the Environment and Materials (IPREM CNRS UMR 5254), using high-performance and cutting-edge equipment. Lectures are scheduled at the beginning of the training course to harmonize the basic knowledge of students originating from various educational backgrounds (biology, physics, and chemistry). Through this approach, we wish to develop the student’s soft skills to encourage autonomy and stimulate curiosity, creativity, and emotional intelligence. The primary objective is to train future young researchers with special know-how in collaborative thinking and able to drive bio-inspired research projects.

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GREEN Graduate Program - Materials Inspired by Nature and for Energy and Sustainable Technologies (MINEST)

In 2022, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour opened a 5-year Master’s degree + PhD program of excellence in a variety of disciplines linked to energy and the environment research, the GRaduate School for Energy and Environmental iNnovation (GREEN).

Every student, whether French of foreign, accepted into the program will be offered a €5,000 stipend per year for the first two years.

Apply here from October to March

N.B. Our Master's programs may not open if enrollment is too low.

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The Materials Inspired by Nature and for Energy and Sustainable Technologies graduate program (GP) aims to offer an educational background that enables a connection between the laboratory and the living world in line with the current challenge of ecological and sustainable transitions. Mimicking strategies deployed by Nature represents infinite scientific and technological challenges that will be undertaken by choosing bioinspiration and biomimetism.

With this program, unique in France, we ask students to explore living systems to get inspiration to develop novel materials while keeping in mind ethics and consciousness of their environment.

Multi and transdisciplinary training, which is at the heart of the biomimetic approach, will enable students to adopt new ways of thinking syntheses, formulations, and processing of tomorrow's materials needed by the industrial partners to build our future society.

In both the first and the second year of the program, students will be trained to draw inspiration from nature through a biomimetic approach. This multidisciplinary approach, which resorts to both fundamental science and materials engineering, is based on the observation and comprehension of living organisms within their ecosystems.

A strong effort of abstraction to establish biological models to be adapted to scientific concepts and technological developments will be key to the lectures.

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By Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)


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