EC 44.1 Introduction to International Trade Law

EC 44.1 Introduction to International Trade Law

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Collège Etudes Européennes et Internationales (EEI)

  • Number of hours


  • Semester



  • Introduction
  1. The object and aim of international trade law
  2. Historical overview
  3. The rules of international trade law

Chap. 1: Public actors

  1. The World Trade Organization
  2. The regional organizations

Chap. 2: Private actors

  1. The companies’ nationality
  2. The companies’ international activities
  3. Transnational Corporations

Chap. 3: International arbiters

  1. General presentation
  2. The arbitration tribunal’s jurisdiction
  3. Proceedings

Chap. 1: Access to the market

  1. General aspects on negative and positive measures
  2. The French regulation

Chap. 2: International sales

  1. The applicable rules
  2. Execution and inexecution of the contract

Chap. 3: International transportation

  1. Transportation by sea
  2. Transportation by roads
  3. Transportation by train
  4. Transportation by plane
  5. Multimodal transportation

Conclusion: The requirement of due diligence from companies

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  • Understand the general functioning of international trade and its regulation
  • Have an overview of the international organizations related to international trade
  • Have an overview of two specific international trade contracts
  • Use the corresponding legal vocabulary
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Course parts

  • CMLecture20h

Knowledge check

  • 1 session: Continuous assessment in class
  • Resit session: written exam
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