Master's degree "Bio-Inspired Materials"

Science, Technology, Health

Master's degree "Bio-Inspired Materials"

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Component

    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

  • Language(s)



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The 2022 class was sponsored by L'Oreal.

This master’s degree aims at offering an educational background connecting the laboratory environment and the living world while responding to ecological and sustainable transition challenges. Mimicking strategies elaborated by Nature represents infinite scientific and technological challenges. These challenges will be taken up through bioinspiration and biomimicry angles keeping in mind environmental awareness and ethics.

We offer our students a unique opportunity to explore and get inspired by living systems to develop novel materials. Our biomimetic approach focuses on cross-disciplinary courses that will make students reconsider how they elaborate syntheses, formulations, and processing of tomorrow’s materials as needed by the industrial partners to build our future society

In both the first and the second year of the master's, the students will be trained to draw inspiration from Nature through a biomimetic approach. This multidisciplinary approach, which resorts to both fundamental science and materials engineering, is based on the observation and comprehension of living organisms within their ecosystems. To succeed in this course, students will have to grasp abstract concepts to design biological models adapted to scientific and technological developments.

The teaching program, comprising lectures, supervised and practical work, and case studies, is primarily centered around student-based teaching strategies including Project-based learning. Entirely in English, teaching is performed by university lecturers and researchers as well as socio-professional stakeholders. The practical works and case studies take place in the laboratories of the Multidisciplinary Research Institute for the Environment and Materials (IPREM CNRS UMR 5254), using high-performance and cutting-edge equipment. Lectures are scheduled at the beginning of the training course to harmonize the basic knowledge of students originating from various educational backgrounds (biology, physics, and chemistry). Through this approach, we wish to develop the student’s soft skills to encourage autonomy and stimulate curiosity, creativity, and emotional intelligence. The primary objective is to train future young researchers with special know-how in collaborative thinking and able to drive bio-inspired research projects.

  • 12 students

    Student capacity


  • Prepare students at an advanced specialized level to meet present and future challenges by adopting the biomimicry philosophy
  • Obtain basic and requisite knowledge in physics, chemistry, and biology
  • Awake curiosity and inspire respect for living systems
  • Develop environmental awareness
  • Develop collaborative and open working skills
  • Adhere to the principles of the living world in their scientific approach
  • Adopt a biomimetic approach with materials from concept to development
  • Develop engineering research skills to engage in quality and successful research,
  • Prepare students for leading positions in industry and government Research and Development departments
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Your university


At the end of this program, the students in the «Materials Science and Engineering: Bio-Inspired Materials master’s degree” will be able to:

  • Prepare innovative bio-inspired materials,
  • Use surface and volume analytical techniques to achieve a sound command of materials characterization,
  • Validate, interpret and model experimental results,
  • Write a report and communicate appropriately with experts,
  • Produce quality research,
  • Carry out a research project.
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Additional information



The International Master Programs Admission Office

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Master 1

Materials Science and Engineering: Bio-Inspired Materials

Semester 1

Course Title

Course Description


Mandatory courses

Elaboration of materials 1

Organic materials/Polymers: Phases transition and different classes of  polymerization



Presentation of principal families of bio-inspired peptides: Cell Penetrating Peptides, Self-Assembled Peptides (Foldamers, Hydrogels, etc.), Peptidomimetics, Conotoxins, etc. Introduction to their applications in tissue engineering reconstruction, drug delivery, and therapeutic. Study of the solid supported synthesis of bio-inspired peptides and their characterization/analysis.


Cell Biology

Cell structure and function: This course aims at recapitulating the main functions and roles of eukaryotic cell structures. Particular attention will be paid to pathways by which cells sense the environmental conditions and how they stimulate, according to conditions, anabolic or catabolic processes to maintain homeostasis. Finally, we will see how cells are capable to induce their own death by initiating a genetically programmed cell death pathway called apoptosis



Introduction and awareness


Introduction to Polymer physics

Main polymer families and recycling


Materials analysis methods

Structural analysis, scattering techniques


Biomimicry approaches

Active pedagogy


French for foreigners or English as a Foreign language



Electives (10 ECTS)

The different types of materials and their properties

General introduction, synthesis and materials processing, properties, and applications


Environmentally sustainable chemistry:

  • Environmentally friendly design of materials
  • Green chemistry



Composite materials 1:

  • Introduction to composite materials
  • Mechanical properties of composite materials





Advanced part design

Fast prototyping, 3D printing


Master 1

Materials Science and Engineering: Bio-Inspired Materials

Semester 2

Course Title

Course Description


Mandatory courses

Global challenges ecological transition

Global Climate change (Climate Economics, Risk, Anthropocene...)


Thermodynamics macromolecular solution

Polymer solution physical chemistry


Materials chemistry in the lab



Elaboration of materials 2

Sol-gel chemistry 2 ECTS

Polymer chemistry 2 ECTS


Scientific communication



Characterization methods



Work and study  internship



Carbon footprint and life cycle analysis





French for foreigners or English as a Foreign language



Physical chemistry of macromolecular solutions


Characterization methods



 Analytical Chemistry

Molecular Mass spectrometry






Master 2

Materials Science and Engineering: Bio-Inspired Materials

Semester 1

Course Title

Course Description


Mandatory courses (22 ECTS)

Materials for energy storage and conversion

Get Skills in materials and processes in the field of energy (from storage to conversion) in an industrial and environmental context


New materials

Emerging materials in relation to the original properties expected (block copolymers, polymer brushes, gels, sol-gel chemistry, interactive chemistry …)


Colloidal systems and surfactants:

  • Methods And Techniques For Polymer-based Materials Synthesis
  • Interfaces

Basics of the physical chemistry of colloids


Polymers and the Environment

Chemical and physicochemical behaviors of natural polymers, their specific features, and potential applications. Behavior and properties of biomass materials


Introduction to biological soft matter

Polymers for the living organisms


Bio-inspired project

Student-based learning in the project mode


French for foreigners or English as a Foreign language



Electives (6 ECTS)


Plant biology and physiology


Nanocomposites and Nanomaterials:

  • Industrial copolymers
  • Nanocomposites
  • Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials composites


Adhesion & Adhesives



Composites based on bioresources




Master 2

Materials Science and Engineering: Bio-Inspired Materials

Semester 2

Course Title

Course Description



6-month internship in a private or academic laboratory


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Intership duration

4-6 months

Master 1

A Minimum of 2 to 4 months of immersion in an academic or private research lab, in France or abroad

Master 2

Applied research project of at least a 6-month duration in an academic or private research lab

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Admission requirements


  • Applicants must hold at least a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, and physics for the Master 1 level.
  • Applicants must hold at least a 4-year university level  in chemistry, biology, and physics for the Master 2 level

In 2022-2023, the UPPA is opening a 5-year integrated Master’s/PhD program that provides research-intensive training in multiple fields, called the Graduate Program GREEN (GRaduate school for Energetic and Environmental iNnovation). Several courses of study taught entirely in English are part of this program. The Graduate Program GREEN is open to high-potential students from a variety of scientific backgrounds who have completed their undergraduate training with the highest honors. To be selected, candidates must explicitly indicate in their letters of motivation their desire to integrate the Graduate Program GREEN, providing reasons for why they wish to participate in this research-focused PhD-Track.

English Language requirements

  • Applicants must be fluent in English, both in writing and speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English has to take a recognized international English test.

Minimum required score: CECRL B2 level in English

French Language Requirements

  • None
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How to apply


International and French students

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Tuition Fees and partial exemptions

Go to the Tuition fee page

The school partially exempts non-EU students from the differentiated fees for initial training enrolling in the Master's program.

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Student capacity



  • Applicants must hold at least a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, and physics for the Master 1 level.
  • Applicants must hold at least a 4-year university level  in chemistry, biology, and physics for the Master 2 level
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And after

Further studies

Prospects for employment or further study



• Chemistry
• Energy (photovoltaic, batteries, fuel cells, artificial photosynthesis ..)
• Environment (non-polluting materials, pollution control materials and storage…)
• Aeronautics (composite materials, surface treatments ...)...
• Building (thermal and sound insulating coatings ...)
• Cosmetics & life science


  • Research and Development


  • Project Manager
  • Senior manager in design and development (design engineer)
  • Senior manager in production (process engineer, production engineer)
  • Senior manager responsible for quality operations or even production management
  • Technical Director (R & D)
  • Teacher-researcher (possible at the end of a doctorate.)
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Professional insertion


  • Research and Innovation Engineer, PhD students
  • Project Manager
  • Senior manager in design and development (design engineer)
  • Senior manager in production (process engineer, production engineer)
  • Senior manager responsible for quality operations or even production management
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By Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)


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