Anglais L2 - S3

Anglais L2 - S3

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

  • Volume horaire



The students are organised in level-groups following the results of a placement test in L1. If at the end of the first year their average score of both semesters equals 15 or above, they will be promoted to the next level group

 In this course, the students will practice the four main skills for communication with a focus on written expression, and will review some basic grammar concepts. The students will work with up-to-date materials from journals and magazines, internet articles, videos, etc. Students will improve their comprehension, fluency, and confidence in spoken and written English through individual practice and regular participation in pair and group work, oral activities, reading and listening comprehension exercises, and general classwork.

Class activities will include listening, reading, writing, and informal/formal speaking to understand, learn, remember, and explain information from both written and spoken materials. Also,to help you improve your grammar and writing, we will have online grammar practice with mini-reviews when necessary.

You will have:

  • Classwork, pop quizzes and online homework that are part of the grade,
  • A midterm exam level-based on the grammar and vocabulary studied in class,
  • A final exam common to all levels to check your progression. The final will focus on written expression
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  • At the end of this course, you will be able to:


  • Analyse IELTS questions and respond appropriately
  • Organise and present information in a coherent way
  • Use appropriate language and vocabulary for specific tasks
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns with grammatical accuracy
  • Analyse data, diagrams, processes and maps.
  • Summarise important trends in statistics.
  • Structure and organise an IELTS task 1 report.
  • Expand their academic vocabulary with high-level academic words and phrases.


  • Distinguish between active and passive voice in sentences.
  • Understand why active or passive voice is appropriate to use in certain contexts.
  • Create sentences in the active and passive voice.
  • identify words that function as conjunctions
  • differentiate between subordinating and coordinating conjunctions
  • Correctly use conjunctions to link simple sentences together
  • Identify countable and uncountable nouns
  • Identify quantifiers
  • Match appropriate quantifiers to countable and uncountable nouns
  • Use quantifiers correctly in speech
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Anglais L2 - S3 - TDTravaux Dirigés19,5h

Contrôle des connaissances

100% Contrôle Continu Intégral

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Compétences visées

Bloc Appui en contexte professionnel

Conduire un projet (pouvant mobiliser des compétences pluridisciplinaires dans un   cadre collaboratif )


Bloc Communiquer en contexte professionnel

Communiquer à des fins de formation ou de transfert de connaissances, par oral et par écrit, en français et dans au moins une langue étrangère


Bloc C5 : Travailler dans le cadre des projets pluridisciplinaires, de recherche, d'innovation et internationaux

Communiquer en plusieurs langues et être capable de s'adapter à un monde ouvert


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