Anglais L1 - S2

Anglais L1 - S2

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)

  • Volume horaire



Course Description and Pedagogical Methods:

The students are organised in level-groups following the results of a placement test at the beginning of the year. In this course, the students will practice the four main skills for communication with a focus on listening comprehension, and will review some basic grammar concepts. The students will work with up-to-date materials from journals and magazines, internet articles, videos, etc. Students will improve their comprehension, fluency, and confidence in spoken and written English through individual practice and regular participation in pair and group work, oral activities, reading and listening comprehension exercises, and general classwork.

Class activities will include listening, reading, writing, and informal/formal speaking to understand, learn, remember, and explain information from both written and spoken materials. Also,to help you improve your grammar and writing, we will have online grammar practice with mini-reviews when necessary.

You will have:

  • Classwork, pop quizzes and online homework that are part of the grade,
  • A midterm exam level-based on the grammar and vocabulary studied in class,
  • A final exam common to all levels to check your progression. The final will focus on listening comprehension.
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Learning outcomes

  • At the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Use 'will' to describe the future
  • Use 'be going to' to describe the future
  • Use 'be' + a verb + ing to describe the future
  • Understand the role and usage of relative pronouns.
  • Learn how to locate relative pronouns in a sentence.
  • Identify relative clauses in a sentence
  • Connect sentences using relative pronouns.
  • Identify modal verbs
  • Use modal verbs in writing
  • Differentiate between the modals used for possibility, obligation, and necessity by identifying these types of modals in the language around them.
  • Recognise the format and question patterns in an IELTS listening test
  • Use a variety of techniques to respond appropriately to IELTS listening test questions
  • Identify the main ideas of an aural text
  • identify specific information and roles of speakers
  • Identify numbers, dates, time, letters, etc. correctly
  • Understand the implications of information provided in aural texts
  • Accurately transfer information gathered from listening to written answers within the set time limit
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Anglais L1 - S2 - TDTravaux Dirigés19,5h

Contrôle des connaissances

100% Contrôle Continu Intégral

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Icebreakers and introductions 
 Syllabus and course overview




Academic Word List 3 and 4



  • Future with will: sudden decision i.e. I will show you how to use the new laptop.
  • Future with going to i.e. Sarah is going to sell her car.
  • Present simple for future i.e. The plane leaves at 8.
  • Present progressive for future plans i.e. He is not working tomorrow.
  • Will for asking for help i.e. Will you do it for me?
  • Shall for suggestions i.e. Shall we go for a walk?




  • Will – sudden decisions i.e. I will phone tomorrow. I will carry it for you.
  • Future progressive i.e. Will you be going away this summer?
  • Going to – for plans i.e. I am going to give you a call soon.


At the restaurant


  • Will i.e. I am sure she will win the race. I will call you tomorrow.
  • Future progressive i.e. I will be taking my nephew to a concert tomorrow.
  • Going to i.e. I am going to buy some books.
  • Will and going to for prediction i.e. I’m sure you will pass the test.
  • Will get used to i.e. I will get used to living in a city eventually.
  • Passive voice i.e. The dinner will be cooked by my friend.
  • Future perfect i.e. Next year we will have been married for ten years.
  • Future perfect progressive i.e. You will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.


Food industry and Agri-business



  • Relative clauses
  • (who, which, that, where)

Buildings and monuments


  • Relative clauses
  • (who, which, that, where)




  • Relative clauses (who, which, that, where)
  • Defining and non-defining clauses

Construction industry and business



Can or can’t for abilities i.e. I can play tennis. I can’t speak Spanish.

Past simple of can or can’t for abilities i.e . She could paint before she started school. I couldn’t cook until I went to university.

Polite request with could and couldn’t i.e. Could you post this letter for me?

Obligation with must i.e. I must clean. You must carry your ID at all times.

Prohibition with mustn’t i.e. I mustn’t be late. You mustn’t smoke here.

Have to for obligations in present and past i.e. I have to take my medicine. I had to see my boss last night. I had to go to the dentist.

Must vs have to i.e. I must eat something. I have to pass an English test.

Necessity with need and needn’t and have to i.e. You need to study. You needn’t go yet.

Needn’t for permissions i.e. You needn’t wear glasses.

Can for asking for permission i.e. Can I leave now?

Can for possibility i.e. Can I open that door, please?

Shall for suggestions i.e. Shall we see your parents next week?

Should for giving advice i.e. You should sleep more. You shouldn’t work so much.

Higher education


may, might for probability i.e. I might go to the cinema. It may be late now.

May, might for polite request i.e. May I sit here? Might I ask you something?

Can, can’t in past i.e. She can’t have seen me. She can have left the purse on the table.

Can for polite request i.e. Can you change my room, please?

Can for probability i.e. We can ask her again.

Could for ability i.e.  He couldn’t dance at all until he took lessons.

Could for probability i.e. Alcohol could cause cancer.

Must vs have to i.e. You must clean your clothes. I have to go to the dentist.

Must/can’t for deduction i.e. That must be the main entrance. It can’t be far now.

Be able to in past and present perfect and future i.e. She wasn’t able to visit us. We haven’t been able to travel for a year now. He will be able to come to the party.

Be able to for possibility i.e. We were not able to get the tickets.

Ought to for obligation i.e. We ought to leave now. You ought to listen carefully.

Need for necessity i.e. I need new glasses.

Needn’t for obligation i.e. You needn’t wear a tie.

Need in past i.e. I needed to know who that person was.

Mustn’t for obligation i.e. Students mustn’t speak during the exam.

Shall for suggestions and polite offers i.e. Shall we meet again? Shall we have pizza?

Higher education


  • may, might for probability i.e. It might rain.
  • May, might for polite request i.e. May  I see your passport?
  • May and might for deduction or speculation i.e. I might look for another job.
  • Can, can’t have done i.e. It could have been Sarah last night.
  • Can, could for polite request i.e. Can I see your manager? Could you say it again?
  • Can for probability i.e. I can come and see you if you  like.
  • Could for ability i.e. I could ski before I could walk.
  • Could for probability i.e. We could see the lake when we kept walking.
  • Could for deduction or speculation i.e. It could be far now. It could be easy.
  • Must vs have to i.e. I must phone her. I have to work from 8 to 5.
  • Have got to i.e. You have got to concentrate.
  • Must have done i.e. She must have been asleep when I walked in.
  • must/can’t for deduction i.e. She must be a chef. She can’t be a policeman.

Be able to in past and present perfect i.e. I was able to escape. I haven’t been able to see her in the hospital.

Be able to for possibility i.e. I might be able to speak English after this course.

Ought to for obligation i.e. You ought to study more.

Need for necessity i.e. You need to see a doctor soon.

Needn’t for obligation i.e.  You needn’t go to the staff meetings.

Need, Needn’t have done i.e. You needn’t have gotten up so early.

Mustn’t for obligation i.e. You mustn’t go.

Shall for polite request i.e. Shall we go?

Shall for suggestions i.e. Shall we invite my mom for lunch?

Be able to in present, future, past and present perfect for ability i.e. I was able to drive. I will be able to drive. I have been able to drive.

Should for giving advice i.e. You shouldn’t be here now.

Should have done i.e. They should have arrived a long ago.

Would expressing habits, in the past i.e. My dad would read me amazing stories every night at bedtime.

Higher education

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Compétences visées

Bloc Appui en contexte professionnel

Conduire un projet (pouvant mobiliser des compétences pluridisciplinaires dans un   cadre collaboratif )


Bloc Communiquer en contexte professionnel

Communiquer à des fins de formation ou de transfert de connaissances, par oral et par écrit, en français et dans au moins une langue étrangère


Bloc C5 : Travailler dans le cadre des projets pluridisciplinaires, de recherche, d'innovation et internationaux

Communiquer en plusieurs langues et être capable de s'adapter à un monde ouvert


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