Advanced analytical chemistry
8 crédits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Volume horaire
Contrôle des connaissances
Non compensable.
Liste des enseignements
Organic contaminants analysis
2 crédits15hElectrochemical sensors
2 crédits18hAdvanced spectrometric technics-coupling
2 crédits22hAdvanced separation technics
2 crédits18h
Organic contaminants analysis
2 crédits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Volume horaire
Heures d'enseignement
Organic contaminants analysis - CM, Organic contaminants analysis - TD
This course provides an overview of analytical techniques applied to the analysis of trace organic contaminants in environmental and/or food matrices, with an emphasis on families of current toxic contaminants.
It deals with methods of sample preparation and separation, and analysis of trace compounds (in particular methods based on mass spectrometry). One part is devoted to regulatory aspects related to the validation of quantitative multi-residue analysis methods. In a prospective way, a last part deals with the latest developments in the non-targeted analysis of trace compounds using high-resolution mass spectrometry methods.
In particular, students will be required to describe and evaluate the interest of scientific publications in the field of analysis of organic contaminants.
Electrochemical sensors
Niveau d'étude
BAC +5
2 crédits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Volume horaire
Heures d'enseignement
Electrochemical sensors - CM, Electrochemical sensors - TD
1/ Rappels des notions de base de l’électrochimie analytique (si nécessaire)
2/ Principales méthodes d’électroanalyse
3/ Microcapteurs, capteurs électrochimiques : Principe, conception et rôle dans la miniaturisation des analyses (microfluidique, lab-on-chip et µTAS). Applications à des analyses de cibles biologiques et aux mesures à l’échelle de la cellule
4/ Capteurs/microcapteurs électrochimiques : Applications à la détection de polluants dans l’environnement et aux analyses sur site.
1/ Summary of the basis of analytical electrochemistry (if necessary)
2/ Description of common electroanalytical methods
3/ Electrochemical sensors/microsensors: theoretical and experimental aspects, impact in the miniaturization of the analyzes (microfluidics, lab-on-chips and µTAS…). Application to biological targets and to the electrochemical monitoring at cell’s scale.
4/ Electrochemical sensors/microsensors: application to the detection of pollutants in environmental samples, and to on-site analyzes.
Advanced spectrometric technics-coupling
2 crédits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Volume horaire
Heures d'enseignement
Advanced spectrometric technics-coupling - CM, Advanced spectrometric technics-coupling - TD, Advanced spectrometric technics-coupling - TP
Présentation des techniques spectrométriques (AAS, AFS, ICP-AES et ICP-MS et des techniques de couplage de ces détecteurs avec la chromatographie en phase liquide permettant les analyses de spéciation, ou par ablation laser pour l’analyse de solides
Presentation of spectrometric techniques (AAS, AFS, ICP-AES and ICP-MS) and techniques for coupling these detectors with liquid chromatography for speciation analysis, or by laser ablation for solids analysis
Advanced separation technics
2 crédits
Collège Sciences et Technologies pour l’Energie et l’Environnement (STEE)
Volume horaire
Heures d'enseignement
Advanced separation technics - CM, Advanced separation technics - TD
During this teaching unit, the students will firstly follow a course on the characterization of complex matrices (in particular Bio-Oils or micro/nanoplastics) with a presentation of the advanced separation technqiues used for this type of analysis.
The techniques covered are: GC GC, Py GC, SFC, FFF, HPTLC,…
Following this introductory course, students will be involved in a group project (by group of two) with, if the techniques are available at IPREM lab, access to instruments in order to carry out an analysis program (choice of sample and its preparation, analysis program, etc.).